Daniel Griff Daniel Griff

Toronto Island Class EA

Flood Mitigation, Environmental Assessment and Public Infrastructure

CATEGORY: Flood Mitigation, Environmental Assessment and Public Infrastructure

OBJECTIVE: Teamed with Coastal Engineer to provide engineering recommendations for the development of conceptual designs for long-term flood mitigation and erosion control of the Toronto Islands Park shoreline as a part of a Class EA

CLIENT: TRCA, City of Toronto


GEOTECHNICAL: Baseline Inventory, Frost Susceptibility, Proctor Testing, Asbestos Testing for Pavements, Recommendations for Conceptual Design Options (Grade Raises, Earth Berms, Gravity Walls, Sheet Pile Walls, Flood Protection Landforms (FPLs)

HYDROGEOLOGICAL: Surface Water Drainage, Groundwater Levels and Seepage, Groundwater Recharge and Discharge Zones, Existing Stormwater Infrastructure

ENVIRONMENTAL: Baseline Water and Soil Quality

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